Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Prayer Notebook

I had used an idea that Rebekah used (I have linked to her site in my side bar and this idea in an old post). It is a notebook of reflections on a variety of Bible topics that I find I need on a variety of topics to help me stay focused. When doing my notebook, I used a three subject notebook, 9.5 by 6 inches, 150 pages - not the standard size notebook, but the next size down. I found it helped me to have it in one notebook (I lose things). I gave each tab two pages, which allows a few extra at the end of each section (comfort, theology, and womanhood). I have included a page at the end of each seciton that is a sort of further reading, investigation, etc page if I find a book, article, etc that goes with that section that helps me or is interesting. It turns out I still have some extra pages in each area in case I want to add more. Check out the original link here: http://learningtoloveinchrist.blogspot.com/2008/04/by-his-grace-and-for-his-glory-tips-for.html#links

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